
1-to-1 Individualized Therapy


Our 1-to-1 Individualized Therapy offers personalized and intensive support, tailored to each child’s unique needs. With dedicated therapists and customized programs, we help children achieve optimal developmental progress in a nurturing and focused environment.

Three upward-pointing arrows leading to a heart icon

High intensity

(range from 5 to 25 hours of training per week)

image of four children's face icons

Highly individualized programs

image of a man with a ribbon badge beside him

Designated team of case supervisor and therapists

Icon representing a loving family

Suitable for families who want to maximize learning progress


Service Fee

Pay Per Session

Rate includes:
  • Supervision by Case Supervisor (at least once every week)
  • Each student will have their individual WhatsApp group where parents can keep close communication with case consultant and supervisor
  • 1 hour progress review meeting with case supervisor every 1-1.5 month
  • First 1 hour parent training for free
  • Public holidays, casual leave and sick leave will not be charged
  • Suitable for families who may need to take leave during long holidays
  • Placement and therapist will be reserved for leave that is less than a consecutive of 4 weeks


Fee Hour/ session
$ 2,300 2.5
$ 1,840 (afternoon sessions only) 2


For designated Senior Therapist/ Assistant Case Supervisor/ Case Supervisor, the fees will be as follow:

Designated Fee Hour / Session
Senior Therapist $2,600 2.5

(afternoon sessions only)

Assistant Case
$3,125 2.5
$2,500 2
$3,500 2.5
$2,800 2


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